Wednesday, 8 June 2011

How To Download YouTube Videos With Resume Support

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Download managers are supporting Most of the Websites, But when come to YouTube It is  difficult to Download the Video With resume support,
Some Download Managers supports only less than 300 MB files or Sometimes the Download may discontinue unexpectedly, or you may get the Error 403 Forbidden Error.
Now a Days most of the people are using Dial up network internet connection, It is very Difficult for them.
In this Post, We see, Step by Step procedure, How to download YouTube videos With Resume Support,

1. We need JDownloader 

     Download Link

resume broken youtube video download feature


2. Install JDownloader and open it, The following Window will open like this,

3. Click The "Add URL's" Icon, you can get the following window

4. "Type the URL" or "Copy the URL" from web browser and click "Parse URL's"

For Example, I like to download the world war II documentary, from YouTube, so I copied the URL from my web browser and pasted over the "Add URL's" window and I Cliked "Parse URL's" icon,

download youtube video with long resume time

After you clicked the "Parse URL's" icon, the following window will Open,

From the Above window we can select the Quality of video to download, like "Flv", "Mpeg 4", "Avi", "mp3" etc.

5. Just "Right Click" over the Appropriate video links and select "continue with selected link", The Download will Start Immediately.

 For discontinued downloads, Due to Power Cut offs, Internet connection failure, and Unexpected Shutdown, just "Right click" over the Download link, and click "Enable" or "Resume" and Click "Play" button
The download will resume from the Discontinued portion. You can see this from below window,

Try it, 



  1. Thanks for a very helpful post

  2. hello
    it is downloading everything...except from youtube.

    i am using youtube from a prxy as it is banned in my country.

    can that be a reason?

    also it says "De-crypter out of date:" at the bottom when i click on Parse.

    help a brother out yeah? thanks!

  3. We're excited to announce new ways to support great content on YouTube! More details here: Youtube Technical Support

  4. sorry brother.. it is not working as you shown in instructions.
    after pasting url's, even the window not showing any favourable download options.... pls help me with full information

  5. your web page attract me ! A good graphically designed page, I have shown first .Wise your best .

  6. That a very detailed guide for Resume Support! Good work! I would recommend writing more pieces like these but updated ones. That's an old but well written article.
    I also have a guide to share on how to download video from youtube to macbook.
